Monday, December 8, 2008

O Christmas Tree!

I love love love a hundred times more love real Christmas trees and I haven't had one for about oh, 15 years. That's right, my mom gave them up for a two-footer fake tree when my brother moved out of the house and it was just the two of us (lame mom!).
I am happy to announce that yes, I have a tree! A real one. It's a little non-traditional and slightly squat, but I super love it.

Some decorations currently on the tree:
Giant letters C, K, W
Underwear (decorative and tasteful of course)
Bush patch and barbell chain necklace from middle school
Va-j-j visors (don't ask)
A pink feather boa (actually that's the tree skirt)
A sparkle-tastic belt
Giant fake flowers
...Just to name a few.

It looks magical and surprisingly Christmas-y.

You should get a real tree too. Just don't be like these people


Nicole Kristine said...

If you buy Handysnacks and I a real tree, then we would have one.

I would also get a real tree if you reimburse me for the cost of Ricky getting his tail amputated.

Lynn said...

Jodi and I had the top of a softball trophy and the box for Superbad on ours last year. You should ask to borrow our ornaments (and ask Nicole to say 'ornaments') because I'm sure Jodi can't have a tree what with her insane dog.