Thursday, June 11, 2009

I heart rap music

Ok, well, I love rap music in the same way you love Full House reruns. You know most of it is crap, but it reminds you of being a kid, of good times, and it makes you happy. Just because I grew up a little ghetto, it aint no shame that Dr. Dre and Snoop bring me back to the fourth grade - a simpler time.

Lately I've been thinking about different songs and how funny they'd be if they were rap songs - -I'm not talking about high quality rap here. I'm talking about the "I'm on a boat" rediculously dirty type. And sometimes it's a disney song, or a Kelly Clarkson song, and an occasional worship song (think "I'm here to fu%$in meet with you..."). I know it's not right, and I usually don't "rap" them out loud, but it is VERY entertaining to me. In fact I suggest you try it sometime.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Last Days

Weird. I have one week, that's 5 working days, left at my job. Now there's the battle of wanting to get a bunch of stuff done and wanting to take a nap and say oh well, I won't work here next week. Good thing I'm such a great person - I will not nap (however I am blogging on the clock), but I will work....after I make a list of things at my desk I have accumulated in the last year and a half:
1) A very right leaning plant (physically, not politically)
2) A fake "Dundee" award for the whitest Keds
3) A small plastic Care Bear figurine
4) Three empty vases
5) Two containers of body butter
6) One fake bird
7) A giant bottle of Ibuprofen
8) A candle lighter
9) One dusty dayplanner
10) A tile coaster

Very exciting things...

Thursday, February 19, 2009


It's really looking all springy outside and I don't mean in the slinky kind of way. It's sunshiny and it smells like plants and it's not freezing cold.

My optimist side says, "Beautiful, spring has sprung, enjoy!"

The pessimist side says, "Dingus, you're stuck inside anyway so you're not going to be able to enjoy it. This is how summer will be too...muhahahaha."

My realist side says, "Enjoy it while it lasts. It's only February and you know spring doesn't really come in Bellingham until May."

I want to go for a walk.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Working it out

Excuses I have used in the past couple weeks to not work out:
-I was sick
-I had the day off
-I was too tired
-Too sore
-The DVD player wasn't hooked up
-I didn't have any clean workout clothes
-I overslept

Reasons I should work out (besides the obvious "it's good for me" thing):
-Bob from the biggest loser is hillarious on the workout DVDs (Example: "You have two legs and you need to stretch them both 'cause we're going to be working those today, mmkay." - okay that actually doesn't sound funny typed out, but when he says "mmkay" he sounds like a black lady from the south...hard to exlpain)
-Nicole will buy me coffee if I get in all my workouts for the week...I could just lie though (muhahahaha!)
-I feel like I have instantly lost 10 pounds because I am just THAT good at workin it out.
-That sausage egg breakfast sandwich at Starbucks is WAY less appealing after a morning workout
-I will be able to fight off anyone who messes with me because I'll be so strong (you never know when a repeat of 8th grade will occur)

So many reasons to work you have any other good reasons? I need more motivation in case I'm too tired/sick/dvd not hooked up/sore/overslept again.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Stimulate my economy please

I have Obama hope, but I also have some worry. When the economy starts messing with my life, I get a little upset. So, I hoping Obama's package will save the day (stimulus package you freaks), but I think it's going to take a little more than what he's proposed. It's a step in the right direction I guess. I think if I were to propose a stimulus plan, it would look a little something like this:
$50 million to Rebound of Whatcom County

$20 million to the BSBs

$20 million to the Better Lovers

$100 million to benefit people who work hard at crappy jobs and should be paid more

and about $50K to me personally to pay off all debts and go shopping

Okay, see why didn't I get elected president?

OH OH I feel a pig picture coming on...
Presidential Pig

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Work is fun!!

Ok, that's not totally true. Do people really like their jobs? I mean, I like the people I work with, and I have a good job, but do I really like going to work? Not really...

Now I'm all "Why don't I like my job? Do I need to go back to school? What would I study? What do I want to do?" Blah,blah,blah. And the answer to all of those is "I don't f'ing know."
Sweet. Guess I'll just not like going to work for awhile.

I think followers of my blog should suggest a couple career pathways for me.
My ideas?
Interior Designer
School Counselor
Human Resources person (i.e. Toby from the Office)
Professional artist (ha!)

What are yours?