Thursday, January 8, 2009

Work is fun!!

Ok, that's not totally true. Do people really like their jobs? I mean, I like the people I work with, and I have a good job, but do I really like going to work? Not really...

Now I'm all "Why don't I like my job? Do I need to go back to school? What would I study? What do I want to do?" Blah,blah,blah. And the answer to all of those is "I don't f'ing know."
Sweet. Guess I'll just not like going to work for awhile.

I think followers of my blog should suggest a couple career pathways for me.
My ideas?
Interior Designer
School Counselor
Human Resources person (i.e. Toby from the Office)
Professional artist (ha!)

What are yours?


Anonymous said...

become an critic. Nicole has a book you may be interested in called, "Joy at Work". Just kidding, but the DVD is amazing!

Lynn said...


Lynn said...

That may have been a little harsh. Most of the time I like grad school. Right now is not one of those times.

KJW said...

-Person who tattoos "make-up" onto people so they permanently have lip liner and ink eyebrows and stuff