1. Cinebarre - I know other cities have this, but Bellingham does not and it is wonderful. A movie theater, restaurant and bar in one? Perfect.
2. Salem farmer's market - I immediately felt at home as I visited all the booths, checking out the local fare.
3. Mexican foods - okay this is random, but it is one of the reasons Salem is a city after my own heart. I love
4. NO TAX! Okay I realize this isn't exclusive to Salem, but I am loving this fact of Oregon life. You go out to dinner and order a $9.99 entree and it's actually $9.99! So simple, but so wonderful.
5. The beach - Just under an hour away is Lincoln City and the Oregon Coast. It's so nice to go to a real beach - not just the rocky shore of Bellingham Bay. I could go there every weekend because it's so beautiful.
So there's a sampling of Salem life. Much, much more to come.