Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Turn off brain

Seriously, thinking too much is actually a sickness. And what the hell are dreams? I just experienced night four of a disturbing, unsettling recurring dream - just my worst fears realized, no big deal. I hate it I hate it I hate it. Turn off brain! I can at least distract myself during the day, but what can I do at night to stop my brain from focusing on painful things. And then I wake up in a sweat, feeling sick to my stomach wondering if it's ever going to end. And then I can't help but have those words and images in my brain all day long, only to lead to another night of restless sleep. I will be asking God about this whole dream (or nightmare) thing when I die. What's the purpose? Really? I'd like to know...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Oregon Bound!

It's official folks - I'm moving to Oregon!

I've wanted to do this for a long time and finally the timing is right. I haven't nailed down the exact date, but it's looking like mid-June. I've decided on the Salem area for several reasons:

A) It's cheap...well, a lot cheaper than Portland (and Bellingham for that matter)
B) Fun people live there - aka Stephanie E. Almeida
C) It's close to family - Salem is 30 min away from my brother's house in Portland
D) Woodburn Outlets are just a hop, skip and a jump from Salem. I love outlets....

Leaving Bellingham will be hard, but I'm excited for this new adventure

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I just really need to have some positivity in my life right now...what better way to do it than celebrating all that is going RIGHT in my life.

I am so thankful for:
1) Middle School Compass - those kids are amazing. They are dealing with crazy hard things and surviving. They are hillarious also. And even though they can be a lot to handle sometimes, I love getting to see them every Thursday night.
2) Friends - I am super leaning on my friends right now and they are actually amazing. I love that I have their support even when I'm not the best support back. It's nice to know that there are people in my life who will be there for me no matter what.
3) Jesus - For real. Don't know what I'd do without him in my life.
4) A Job - Okay, so I don't exactly have my dream job right now, but I'm thankful that I at least have a steady income because I know there are so many people right now who are struggling just to survive
5) Health - I'm alive and I'm (at least fairly) healthy. Can't take that for granted. I'm glad I can move and do active things (within reason). I'm working on this a lot lately and it feels really good.

I'm sure there are many more things I could list, but this is a start...

Feeling Bloggy

I think blogging comes in waves and I'm starting to get that itch to post some word vomit. I hate when people say word vomit. Don't you? Ah, well, it's just as well. I will be making an effort to blog more...simply for my own well being. Read if you wish.