Friday, January 30, 2009

Stimulate my economy please

I have Obama hope, but I also have some worry. When the economy starts messing with my life, I get a little upset. So, I hoping Obama's package will save the day (stimulus package you freaks), but I think it's going to take a little more than what he's proposed. It's a step in the right direction I guess. I think if I were to propose a stimulus plan, it would look a little something like this:
$50 million to Rebound of Whatcom County

$20 million to the BSBs

$20 million to the Better Lovers

$100 million to benefit people who work hard at crappy jobs and should be paid more

and about $50K to me personally to pay off all debts and go shopping

Okay, see why didn't I get elected president?

OH OH I feel a pig picture coming on...
Presidential Pig

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Work is fun!!

Ok, that's not totally true. Do people really like their jobs? I mean, I like the people I work with, and I have a good job, but do I really like going to work? Not really...

Now I'm all "Why don't I like my job? Do I need to go back to school? What would I study? What do I want to do?" Blah,blah,blah. And the answer to all of those is "I don't f'ing know."
Sweet. Guess I'll just not like going to work for awhile.

I think followers of my blog should suggest a couple career pathways for me.
My ideas?
Interior Designer
School Counselor
Human Resources person (i.e. Toby from the Office)
Professional artist (ha!)

What are yours?