A ghetto pig cannot be hidden, but a healthy ghetto pig cannot be stopped! I've decided in light of my amazing, new vitamin D-filled life, not to mention the fact that summer's on the way, that I am in need of a health kick. Perhaps a health kick in the pants. My office job and winter's gloominess has taken it's toll on my previously pristine body (haha), and I'm ready to start moving more again. And maybe along the way I'll eat some spinach and carrots-I like 'em. I think I'll feel 10,000 times better if I make healthy decisions and on top of that there's all the hotness that will inevitably accompany this journey (have you seen me run in sweats?--Hott!). So here's to sweating like a pig...like a ghetto pig and eating like a ghetto rabbit...hmm. Yeah. I guess that's right.
I really like your ghetto rabbit. Could I be your side kick named Ghetto Rabbit?
During century club (woohoo!) when Erin and I were in fits of uncontrollable laughter, we were picturing what ghetto pigs would look like.
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